EBM I guess is the clear winner. I tend to use Cochrane database for systematic reviews and Pubmed/Medline/Embase for literature search (and of course our trusted 'google scholar' ).
I look at Consensus reports with caution as they are opinions by expert panels (not based on any evidence). However, in some situations, this may prompt further research.
Edited by maroju on 25-12-2007 04:22
Looks like a nice sources to search for litreature and wondering if there are any landmark papers(reviews)which made anyone of yoy change the way you practice.
I am always looking for evidence but wondering if there is place where all the evidence is collated to give clinical bottom line.I know searching for litreature and appraising can be painful which should be done by all EM trainees in this day and age but there should be few places where we should be able to find the evidence qollation.Just wondering what r they? It helps a lot for lazy people like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You could try 'bestbets.org'. It's a pretty useful site to start off, if you are looking for quick answers based on available evidence...
Edited by maroju on 26-12-2007 03:47