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MD Emergency Medicine in the Medical Council of India 2009
Posted by bullet.gif webmaster on January 29 2010

Minutes of the meeting of the Postgraduate Medical Education Committee held
on 29th December 2009 Council Office of the Medical Council of India.


Starting of MD (Emergency Medicine) course at B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad u/s 10 A of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.

Read: the Council Inspectors report (December, 2009) on the physical and other teaching facilities available at the B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad for starting of MD(Emergency Medicine) course under the Gujrat University, Ahmedabad u/s 10A of the IMC Act, 1956.

The Postgraduate Committee considered the Council Inspectors report (December, 2009) and decided to recommend to the Central Govt. to issue Letter of Permission for starting of MD(Emergency Medicine) course at B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad under Gujrat University, Ahmedabad u/s 10A of the IMC Act, 1956 prospectively i.e. from the academic session 2010-2011 restricting the number of admission to 2(Two) students per year, till the first batch admitted appears in the final examination of the said course. The institution be advised to apply for recognition of the qualification at the time of first available examination as per the provision of Section 11(2) of the IMC Act, 1956.

To prescribe the Eligibility Criteria for Teachers in the Broad Speciality and Super-Speciality Courses.

Read: To prescribe the Eligibility Criteria for Teachers in the Broad Speciality and Super-Speciality Courses.

The Postgraduate Committee noted that the General Body of the Council at its meeting held on 18.11.2009 considered the matter with regard to prescribe the Eligibility Criteria for Teachers in the Broad Speciality and Super-Speciality Courses alongwith the recommendation of the Postgraduate Committee taken at its meeting held on 13.11.2009 and the Council approved the following recommendation of the Postgraduate Committee:-

The Postgraduate Committee considered the recommendation of the TEQ Sub- Committee for prescribing the eligibility criteria prescribe the Eligibility Criteria for Teachers in the Broad Speciality and Super-Speciality Courses and noted the Notification dated 21/07/2009 following Postgraduate Medical Qualifications have been added in the Schedule to Postgraduate Medical Education Regulation 2000:-

1. M.D. Emergency Medicine
2. M.D. Infectious Disease
3. D.M. Pulmonary Medicine
4. D.M. Rheumatology
5. D.M. Child Adolescent Psychiatry
6. D.M. (Paediatrics Gastroenterology)
7. D.M. Paediatric Cardiology
8. D.M. (Cardiac Anaesthesia)

The matter was placed before the TEQ Sub-Committee at its meeting held on 05.10.2009 to prescribe the Eligibility Criteria for Teachers in the Broad Speciality and Super-Speciality courses. The Committee decided as under: - The Teachers Eligibility Qualifications Sub-Committee considered the matter with regard to prescribing the Eligibility Criteria for Teachers in the Broad Speciality and Super Speciality Courses and decided that a joint meeting of Chairman, Teachers Eligibility Qualifications Sub-Committee with Chairman, Post Graduate Committee be held on mutually agreed date to define curriculum, syllabus and Teachers Eligibility Qualifications for Broad Speciality and Super-Speciality Courses.
The Postgraduate Committee noted that inadvertently doctoral and postdoctoral teachers of the concerned discipline have not been mentioned in the list of eligible teachers. Hence, the Postgraduate Committee proposed the following amendments to the eligibility criteria for teachers as under:-

For M.D. in Emergency Medicine
MD (Emergency Medicine)
M.D.(General Medicine) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
M.S.(Genl.Surgery) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
M.D. (Resp. Medi.) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
M.D.(Anaesthesia) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
M.S. (Orthopaedics) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine

Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions (Amendment ) Regulations, 2009

Teachers Eligibility Qualifications for MD Emergency Medicine

MD (Gen Medicine) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
MD (Respiratory Medicine) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
MD (Anesthesia) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
MS (General Surgery) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine
MS (Orthopedics) with 2 years training in Emergency Medicine

Reader / Associate Professor
Same as above

Assistant Professor / Lecturer
Same as above

Tutor / Demonstrator / Resident / Registrar

NOTE: The academic qualification as shown above will be the academic qualification required for teaching faculty post for a period of 10 years w.e.f. date of notification. It is reiterated that only the academic qualification of MD (Emergency Medicine) will be the required academic qualification for appointment to the post of teaching faculty after the expiry of the period of 10 years from the date of notification.

Medical Council of India
#1 | drlokeshwar on January 30 2010 14:56:56
does this mean that people who had entered in to non md fellowship programs in emergency medicne cannot take part in this?
so whats the role of non md programs....esp 1 year, 2 year fellowships?/
#2 | drlokeshwar on January 30 2010 14:57:28
does this mean that people who had entered in to non md fellowship programs in emergency medicne cannot take part in this?
so whats the role of non md programs....esp 1 year, 2 year fellowships?/
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