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MCEM Examination
MCEM (Membership of College of Emergency Medicine, UK) Examination
The MCEM examination which is based on the College of Emergency Medicine curriculum offers an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate both the breadth of his or her knowledge of Emergency Medicine as well as the application of that knowledge to common clinical scenarios. The candidate must be able to demonstrate good communication skills and knowledge of Emergency Medicine.
The examination is competency-based and assesses knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary for the successful clinical practice of Emergency Medicine. The areas assessed will include the evaluation and initial management of clinical conditions seen in patients who present, as emergencies, to Emergency Departments. Competence in paediatrics at a level delivered in a general Emergency Department and focus mainly on seriously ill and injured, or the management of common child emergencies.
The MCEM examination is set at a standard commensurate with the level of expertise necessary for entry into higher specialist training in Emergency Medicine as well as that for practice at an intermediate level for those not wishing to enter higher training.
The examination consists of three parts, Part A, B and C.
MCEM Part A Exam Overview
This theory exam consists 50 questions, each with four stems.
Each stem needs to marked either TRUE or FALSE.
It is not negatively marked.
It examines basic sciences as applied to Emergency Medicine.
The syllabus for the Part A is found on the College of Emergency Medicine website.
Exam duration is 2 hours.
Exam centres (as on April 2008) are in United Kingdom, India, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Candidates are awarded either a pass or a fail.
Candidate must score about 70% to pass the exam. (This pass score varies by 1-2% in different exams since it depends on the overall performance of all candidates who have written that particular exam)
Pass rate for part A in both UK and India is about 19-21% 9 (i.e only 1 out of 5 candidates will pass the exam)
Part A cannot be taken sooner than the second foundation year of training or its overseas equivalent. In India, a candidate must show atleast one year of working experience after MBBS graduation to be eligible to attempt Part A. (i.e one year after internship)
Candidates must pass Part A of the Membership of the College of Emergency Medicine or its equivalent before proceeding to Part B.
Acceptable alternatives are:
Primary examination of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine or
Primary examination of the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine or
Primary examination of South African College of Emergency Medicine.
Candidates who sat the Part B prior to Autumn 2009 retain exemption from Part A
MCEM Part B Exam Overview
This theory paper examines data interpretation skills and consists of 16 questions.
The questions present a clinical scenario and may have clinical data including radiographs, CT scans, ECGs, blood test results and clinical photographs.
Exam duration is 2 hours.
Exam Centres (as on April 2008) are in United Kingdom and India.
Candidates are awarded either a pass or a fail.
Candidate must score roughly about 70% to pass the exam.
Only candidates who are successful in Part B will be permitted to take Part C.
Unsuccessful candidates will be required to resit Part B at the next diet before attempting to Part C.
Normally, the Part B will be held approximately 6 weeks before the Part C. The timetable for Parts B and C may vary for overseas examination.
MCEM Part C Exam Overview
This practical exam consists of 18 Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) stations that assess knowledge, psycho-motor ability, interpersonal skills (including communication and conflict resolution), professional behaviour and clinical decision-making skills.
Exam duration is 2.5 hours
Exam Centres (as on April 2008) are in United Kingdom and India.
Candidates are awarded either a pass or a fail.
Candidate must pass 14 of the 18 stations to pass the exam.
Pass rate for part B & C in UK is about 50% (i.e only half the candidates will pass the MCEM final exam)
Candidates may sit Part C three times after passing Part B. Failure at the third attempt will result in the candidate having to retake Part B before being able to attempt Part C again.
Part A exam is held twice a year at all the approved centres.
Part B and C are held twice a year in UK and once a year in India (Apollo Health City, Hyderabad).
General Considerations
All parts of the examination will be conducted in English.
Successful completion of all parts is required before being eligible for Membership by examination and before being able to use the post-nominals MCEM (MRCEM from 2009 onwards tentatively).
Entry into the MCEM residency is only after getting through the interviews which are conducted twice a year (January & July) at Apollo Health City, Hyderabad. The part A exam must be cleared during the residency. The fee for writing the part A exam is Rs:30000. Those who pass the exam are allowed to sit for the Part B & C exams.
Apollo Health City, Hyderabad
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore
Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad
Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi
There is an admission fee of Rs:50000 and a monthly tution fee of Rs:3000 for 3 years.
The training during the emergency medicine residency is based on the College of Emergency Medicine (UK) Curriculum. At the end of 3 years, MCEM part B and part C is conducted at Apollo Hyderabad by examiners from College of Emergency Medicine UK as well as Apollo Hospitals. The part B & C exam fee is Rs:50000. Those who have not done EM residency at Apollo will be charged Rs:10000 more.
There is no stipend given. However those who get employed will be paid salary as per their experience. Employment depends on vacancies available. MBBS freshers can expect about Rs:12500/- PM.
Mr. Sayeed (Available only from 1100hrs to 1700hrs)
CEO Office
91-40-23607777 (Tell the operator to connect to this guy!)
Those in India can dial 040-23607777
Or send a mail to mcem@apollohospitals.com
Click here for more contact information on Apollo Hyderabad
Related Links
The College of Emergency Medicine, United Kingdom
MCEM Part A Examination Curriculum (Basic Sciences)
MCEM Part B and Part C Curriculum
MCEM Exam Dates and Fees
January 2006 MCEM Part A Questions
The College of Emergency Medicine, United Kingdom
MCEM Part A Examination Curriculum (Basic Sciences)
MCEM Part B and Part C Curriculum
MCEM Exam Dates and Fees
January 2006 MCEM Part A Questions
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