Posted by stemlyns on 02-11-2007 14:11

Tras-cranial color doppler????????????????///
Yeah i heard of it and i wonder if anyone has got proper sensitivity and specificity of this test in different clinical situations.I think if we discuss about the ultrasound skills for EM docs i would like to start with simple things like FAST scan and once we gain good credibility(by diagnosing intra abdominal pathology with wasting the patient's the golden period in the radiation doughnut) we can get more and more approval and other departments on the reliability of our skills.
Start simple and take it from there.These type of new fancy stuff sound gr8 but just imagine how long it takes to get a proper study to approve this diagnostic tool and to get people trained in India and then move it to EM area.
Some snippets I know about Trans Cranial Doppler

Procedures using TCD

1.Vasomotor reactivity testing
2.Detection of cerebral microembolic signals
3.Carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
4.Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery
5.Cerebral thrombolysis monitoring

Already established clinical utility is in
-Screening of children aged 2 to 16 years with sickle cell disease for assessing stroke risk although the optimal frequency of testing is unknown.
-Detection and monitoring of angiographic vasospasm spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (sSaH).

I think of all this more data is needed if it has got any impact on clinical outcome.

You can try the cardio echo machine in the CCU to practice on your colleagues with a differnt probe if you got one.
