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Total of 8 MCI recognized MD in India.
hello frens,
Presently in the mci website link, Its given a total of 8 Emergency medicine seats are available to date. My concern is when this expands will it effect the current MEM or other degree which are not recognized by MCI? The present Emergency medicine courses which are a 3 yrs structured Master courses in Emergency medicine, will they be valid later on in the race?

Dr Ateeq
Well, as far as validity is concerned, it really has been a spineless threat from the MCI thus far.
What bears witness to this fact, is the innumerable unqualified medical professionals who practice in the country.
But then again, what has happened in the past, will not necessarily set precedent for how the field of EM will map out in the country.
From my personal conversations with many, it seems that the government and the MCI is going to consider EM as a high profile field of need in the coming years.
What seems to be the plan is that for the coming few years, they will follow the policy of being non-inclusive, maintaining absolute control over EM as an academic field. Gradually once they have their core established they will open it up more for existing academics and professional to be included into the field.
Now that from my perspective would mean that credentialed degrees from other universities, MD EM, degrees from the royal colleges, will be included in the appendix 3 of the MCI charter.
I however remain skeptical about the future of the masters and the diploma level courses, just because they have no individual standing of their own, even from the universities that provide them.

Again, no one has seen the future, and it is difficult to make a prediction, but with time, as medico-legalities become common parlance, it may become difficult for an institute/pvt. hospital to build their EM departments solely on the basis of graduates of these diplomas and masters programs.

Again this is a personal opinion.
And leave footprints in the sands of time.......
courses from foreign universities wont be recognised by MCI, unless a miracle happens.If the MCI / NB starts DNB in EM then naturally it only will be considered "valid" trianing in India.
this is the reality.
precedent, says against non inclusion of foreign qualifications.
MRCS / FRCS / MRCP / FRCP are all recognized degrees by the MCI.
This also includes unilateral recognition of all pg qualifications from the US and a couple of other countries. So its not completely out of contention.
And leave footprints in the sands of time.......
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