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Sometime during early 2005, we were searching for "emergency medicine in India" in the internet search engines. What we did is what any person interested in EM in India would have probably done. Although we already knew quite a lot, we found that none of the results had the necessary information about emergency medicine in our country. None of the results pointed to the existing training programs or the well known institutions where EM is well established.

We also noticed in Oct 2005 that one enthusiastic doctor was collecting all the names and addresses of the delegates at the EM conference, to mail them later. Thats the time when the first spark of the idea about a website surfaced. So we decided to build a website which would immediately impart knowledge about EM in India to whoever came across it, irrespective of their area of interest.

It took a while for us to get things together, but we think we are doing quite well. The result is www.emergencymedicine.in. The first website dedicated to information about emergency medicine in India.

Our primary target are the medical and nursing students, doctors and paramedics who are interested in EM in India but don't know where to start looking. It is also our intent that they know what is happening in India with respect to emergency medicine. We are working towards this.






a d m i n @ e m e r g e n c y m e d i c i n e . i n


Editor in Chief

Dr. Imron Subhan


Editors (Editorial Board)

Dr. D. Dinakar

Dr. Pooja Jain

Nida Mehvish


Design and Layout

IS2 Creativities


Programming and Coding




a d m i n @ e m e r g e n c y m e d i c i n e . i n










Legal Consultants

Shivapa & Associates, Bangalore





Beta Version uploaded

May 12, 2006


Version 1.0

June 20, 2006


Version 1.1

July 28, 2006


Additions & Edits

July 06, 2006

July 17, 2006

July 19, 2006

July 24, 2006

August 03, 2006

August 22, 2006


Indexed by Yahoo

Aug 09, 2006




Number of Hits

Mar, 05-2007 - 10,522





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